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All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way

At times, All in the Family — which bogs down when the author’s life and real estate career are the subjects, but is pretty juicily entertaining when he writes about his aunts and uncles — reads like a cathartic exercise ... While not as scathing as his sister Mary’s book, All in the Family still presents a dishy portrait of generations of the Trump family as chronically toxic, narcissistic, conniving and cruel.
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A well-paced and engrossing read.
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Fred III, the author of this memoir, aspires to be "a different kind of Trump" but coyly trades on his tainted surname ... Anxious to maintain a semblance of peace, Fred III reminiscences fondly about his access to the Oval Office and takes pride in his complimentary membership of a Trump golf club. The family’s handed-down anecdotes about Donald’s bratty behaviour amount, as Fred III sees it, to little more than "stupid kid stuff".
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