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All That Glitters: A Story of Friendship, Fraud, and Fine Art

An entertaining memoir ... [Whitfield's] impastoed self-portrait as Innocent Naïf is laid on a little thick ... Whitfield skillfully recounts their exploits moving artwork and money around the world.
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In his telling, Mr. Whitfield takes such great pains to present himself as a complete innocent that it stretches credulity ... Mr. Whitfield is best in these passages, as he fires wildly with catty takedowns of every art-world passerby.
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Gives a momentous relationship its due, with unusual directness ... Interesting ... One of the most endearing aspects of Whitfield’s narrative is the precision and enthusiasm with which he pinpoints all the traits that drew him to Philbrick and kept drawing him in ... Whitfield...has no interest in...self-serving positioning.
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