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Corey Fah Does Social Mobility

Sometimes surreal satires can be inaccessible, too clinically strange to connect with, but Waidner anchors the reader with familiar emotion ... Waidner’s humor is similarly accessible — playful and unpretentious; and their prose, despite being peppered with foreign phrases and grammatical oddities, is disarmingly smooth ... The novel is an allegory that argues, effectively, that admission is not the same thing as access ... Poignant.
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Surreal and splendid ... The story’s upbeat ending⎯heartening in ways you’d never expect, just right for a pair of novels disruptive in the best sense, a one-two punch like nothing in recent memory⎯allows our hero to multiply their good luck.
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The narrative twists and sprouts in unexpected ways, and it can feel as if multiple plots are mushrooming on the page. Suffice to say, Waidner has absolute command.
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