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I Must Be Dreaming

Skinny but limber ... Collates some of her nocturnal imagination’s wilder moments, and some of the more mundane ones, too. It’s a little odds-and-endsy...but a pleasurable rummage nonetheless ... Chast’s dreams are a window cracked open onto her creative process; a grab bag of treats more salty than sweet.
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Delightful ... Unlike most people's dreams, many of Chast's have hilarious punchlines ... Chast follows a survey of her own cockamamie dreams with a somewhat less entertaining but impressively succinct and mercifully brief tour through 'Dream-Theory Land.' She sums up various beliefs about dreams through the centuries ... Chast has figured out a way to catch and release her dreams — transforming them in the process into yet another charmingly relatable book.
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Sure to appeal to nonfiction comics readers and dream-theory enthusiasts alike.
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