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Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI

Builds, of course, on Harari’s string of tremendous successes, and it surely is a reflection of this success that the latest offering has the air of a big-budget production with several hands contributing to its manufacture ... In one particularly weak section, Harari cites animal precedents for many classic human myths and folk tales ... Harari’s view grows more muddled still when he takes up the question of artificial intelligence.
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His grimmest work yet ... Harari writes well at the scale of the species. As a book, Nexus doesn’t reach the high-water mark of Sapiens, but it offers an arresting vision of how AI could turn catastrophic. The question is whether Harari’s wide-angle lens helps us see how to avoid that.
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A useful, well-informed primer ... Not all of Nexus feels original. If you pay attention to the news, you will recognize some of the stories Harari tells. But, at its best, his book summarizes the current state of affairs with a memorable clarity ... Frustrating.
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