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Not Forever, But for Now

Palahniuk expresses a coal-black humor that unsparingly and brilliantly satirizes contemporary society. The uninitiated reader might find some content objectionable—the very same satirical content Palahniuk’s legion of fans has come to expect and relish.
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Aiming Palahniuk’s profanely giddy rhetoric at the tea-and-crumpets crowd popularized by Downton Abbey and its ilk sounds like more fun than it turns out to be here ... A garish, sticky confabulation, equal parts saccharine caricature and startling raunch.
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A grisly yet hazy satire ... Palahniuk’s unflinching approach to the macabre material is sure to please many of his fans, but the gratuitous violence and aimless narrative won’t win any new ones.
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