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Pink Slime

A well-imagined, often poetically beautiful plague story ... Trías’s protagonist is the shadow in all of us — the passive subject, suspended in the limbo of indecision, who cannot act to save herself.
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Pink Slime is an unsettling book, and not least because, while reading it, I had to idea where it was going to go ... Cleverly, the links between conditions, illness and the churn of the world are never made explicit. That we are in the company of someone who truly cares makes the horror all the more visceral ... Pink Slime kept me guessing; but the guesswork is far less important than the emotional heft of it.
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This is a vividly claustrophobic world, stuffed with strong smells, tastes and pressing hunger ... In Heather Cleary’s thoughtful, poetic translation, it is through exploring the connections between people, places and things that Pink Slime is at its best.
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