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The Climate Book: The Facts and the Solutions

Explains and offers action items in 84 compelling, bite-size chapters ... Reading The Climate Book at a deliberate pace over some weeks (it's a lot to absorb), the cumulative impact on my understanding of the crisis through its data, cross-cultural reflections, and paths for step-by-step change became mesmerizing.
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Her new book is not for the faint-hearted. Even a reader well informed on the climate and biodiversity crises will find themselves more painfully aware of the nightmare into which we have been sleepwalking for decades, and from which we still show so little sign of awakening ... Her book is an admirable and monumental effort to inform such conversations with good evidence ... Some of these essays are a little heavy on graphs, statistics and technical terms for general readers. But they are copiously interpolated by Thunberg’s lively commentaries, engaging and polemical, if often repetitious. They are proof, if further proof were needed, that she is a truly exceptional figure ... One can only hope that this book, by making these crises so powerfully manifest, will inspire us to think much harder and more creatively about how to do so, by any means necessary.
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Nothing small about her latest ... This time she takes on a curatorial role, convening a kind of supergroup of scientists, activists and authors, each of whom contributes a short essay about the mess we’re in ... Amid all the maps, graphs and hair-raising statistics, Thunberg’s connective essays give the book an angry moral pulse ... A valuable resource for anyone who wants an ironclad summary of the problems, combined with some credible remedies.
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