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Touching the Art

This hybrid work of biography, social history, and criticism weaves memoir seamlessly into the mix ... Rejects easy answers for a stretching of forms.
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Opens with a collage of memories, ekphrasis, and philosophical aphorisms that mimic the slippery nature of Sycamore and Gladys’s adult relationship ... Sycamore’s use of present tense is both immersive and propulsive.
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Pos­si­bly the most bril­liant choice the author made was arrang­ing this book as a kind of col­lage — a nod to the medi­um in which Gold­stein worked. Sycamore explains how her grandmother’s pieces inter­act with one anoth­er and their envi­ron­ments, both his­tor­i­cal­ly and phys­i­cal­ly ... Sycamore ele­gant­ly weaves togeth­er a vari­ety of sub­jects.
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