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I Love Russia: Reporting from a Lost Country

A kaleidoscopic collection ... Jaw-dropping ... Sometimes hard to follow, in part because it jumps back and forth in time. But her style of brave, intimate reporting is likely to be a rarity in Russia for years to come.
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This gritty insider’s take on Russia will prove more helpful than the welter of books by western experts when it comes to countering Putin’s disinformation blaming Nato 'aggression' for his woes. As Kostyuchenko makes clear, he has made his own mess.
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Brilliant and immersive ... Her writing is reportage at its brave and luminous best ... The author’s decision to call her book I Love Russia is a little bizarre. My Russia would have been a better title, and less open to misinterpretation. Kostyuchenko’s fearless coverage of the war in Ukraine speaks for itself.
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