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Still Broke: Walmart's Remarkable Transformation and the Limits of Socially Conscious Capitalism

The veteran business journalist Rick Wartzman’s new book about Walmart’s labor practices isn’t so easily categorized ... Through his careful, exhaustive research and engrossing storytelling, Wartzman will surely simultaneously please and annoy the higher-ups in Bentonville, Arkansas ... Wartzman has solid credentials ... I have any quibble, it’s that Wartzman doesn’t get McMillon...on the record explaining this stance.
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This book may or may not change minds...but it will deepen readers’ understanding of the negative effects of low-cost retail goods and of the need for both corporations and the government to do more to make the promise of a living wage into a reality ... Interesting and even-handed.
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Thought-provoking treatise ... While acknowledging that small steps have been made, Wartzman argues that leaving fair labor practices up to a company itself can only change so much ... This smart survey offers much to consider.
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