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Supertall: How the World's Tallest Buildings Are Reshaping Our Cities and Our Lives

Mr. Al...explains these esoteric technical challenges in lucid fashion ... Mr. Al’s account isn’t simple boosterism, but it does dodge the tone of miserablism that characterizes so much attention to our skylines. Supertalls are fascinating and immensely complicated undertakings that demand admiration—and lots of work. Even if tweaks are necessary, the story of what’s come about in the age of the supertall is gripping.
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A thoughtful inquiry into the current generation of skyscrapers ... The premise behind this book: This is not your grandfather’s skyscraper that you are seeing out your window; the new generation of skyscrapers is bigger and more ubiquitous than the one that came before ... Al...writes clearly. He understands that skyscrapers are a product of technology, finance, zoning, marketing, social preferences and aesthetics ... There is a lot of rich history here, well and concisely told (and illustrated with superb line drawings) ... Al is a mostly enthusiastic booster of the supertalls, sometimes to the point of excess or cliché, like when he calls them 'the cathedrals of our time' ... But then the social challenges that supertall buildings present bring him back down to earth, as it were, and he recovers his clear and critical eye.
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Al...is highly knowledgeable about his subject, even if he is conflicted ... Expressing his ambivalence, the author writes, 'technological progress doesn’t always lead to human progress.' Consequently, when he announces that 'we are witnessing another golden age…the era of "supertalls," ' some readers may be unconvinced. Although he addresses a wide array of topics, Al could have written more about the financial feasibility of supertalls, the architectural design challenges they pose, the experiences of users, and the impacts these buildings have on surrounding residential and office markets ... An informative introduction to supertalls and the global cities where they rise above the skyline.
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