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The God Beat: What Journalism Says about Faith and Why It Matters

... this book proves there’s great promise in a still emerging genre. The writing here is crisp and vivid and unafraid ... Though one or two of the essays feels out of sync with either religion or spirituality, that’s a small quibble. The God Beat is a book to be reckoned with. It asks the reader to take it all in – whatever touches on both the holy and the unholy. It’s an invitation to listen, not to judge. And these days, that feels like a skill to be practiced.
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... collects twenty-six unexpected, thought-provoking stories of belief ... Throughout, a variety of emotions are conveyed; curiosity is surprised and sated, and hearts are made light and are broken in turn ... an invigorating mix, revealing the varied and fascinating ways that people worship.
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... 26 superior recent essays ... The featured writers don’t shy away from personalizing thoughts, asking questions about faith and meaning in the context of current events, or displaying 'the full ambiguity and ambivalence of belief' ... The high quality of the selections suggests that an annual volume would be welcome.
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