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The Unclaimed: Abandonment and Hope in the City of Angels

The authors succeed in conveying the fullness to be found in every life, but a more judicious use of detail in the four profiles would have benefited the narrative flow. And, in a lecturing afterword, they implore readers to make sure that our loved ones know that we care — a recommendation better left implied.
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Deeply compelling, utterly original ... These intimate profiles read like short stories, the writing both deeply empathic and unflinchingly honest ... This is a book that speaks to the power of narrative. Hearing stories makes us feel less alone. Hearing stories pushes us to ask hard questions of ourselves. This book has landed at just the right moment, when much of the country has lost its way.
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Groundbreaking ... A gripping and compassionate account that leaves us with a feeling of social and personal responsibility for our kin, our community and ourselves.
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