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The Wide Wide Sea: Imperial Ambition, First Contact and the Fateful Final Voyage of Captain James Cook

The Wide Wide Sea presents Cook’s moral collapse as an enigma ... The gaps in Cook’s interior journey stand out because of the incredible job Sides does in bringing to life Cook’s physical journey. New Zealand, Tahiti, Kamchatka, Hawaii and London come alive ... Parts of The Wide Wide Sea inevitably echo the storytelling of previous yarns, even if Sides self-consciously critiques them.
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A gripping account of Captain James Cook’s final voyage ... Armed with extensive research and terrific writing, Sides re-creates the newness of the experience, the vast differences in and among Indigenous cultures, and natural phenomena that were as terrifying as they were wondrous.
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Thrilling and superbly crafted ... Sides has perfected a brisk narrative style. Befitting his work as a writer and editor for Outside magazine, he has a special talent for rendering the natural world, and some readers will surely want to look up photographs or maps of the places.
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