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How to Leave the House

Deft and uproarious ... Newman weaves the analytical and the absurd with a raucous grace ... Generous and witty, as bewitched by aesthetics as it is certain of the virtues of good old-fashioned compassion ... Profound — and profoundly sidesplitting.
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You begin to see how it might be a better TV show than it is a book. But don’t let that stop you from reading it. Fair warning: It is graphic in its description of sexual encounters and doesn’t shy away from difficult topics, including self harm. The humor helps take the edge off a little, but Newman certainly has something to say about the up-and-coming generation. This is a bold new voice, and one to watch.
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Fiction as friction, designed for discomfort. This is a novel of dichotomies that beg to be challenged, with psychological spaces that desperately need transparency but are inherently, tragically closed off to each other.
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