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Sonny Boy: A Memoir

Gives us the Pacino of ordinary deeds, bumbling around and having his experiences, and we see that he is in service—in thrall—to Pacino the actor. And if a certain fuzziness or impressionism attends his memories, well, we get it: He doesn’t want to violate, with too much insight, the precious mystery at the core of his craft.
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Discursively soulful ... The eccentricity of Sonny Boy is part of its charm, and the book’s distinctive voice speaks to a fruitful collaboration between Pacino and Itzkoff ... Shot through with what certainly feels like self-deprecating honesty to go with the well-worn Pacino swagger.
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Breezily readable ... [A] sense of voice and aliveness...is what’s best about Sonny Boy ... The push and pull between being open and taciturn, between acute self-awareness and occasional cluelessness, continues throughout the book.
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