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As metaphors go, this is, admittedly, not too original ... But Hornsby brings a sharp wit to this worn crypt ... Silicon Valley’s shamans and charlatans regularly speak with such an astonishing blend of vanity, inanity and obliviousness that there isn’t much left for an enterprising satirist to add, but Hornsby’s descriptions frequently draw blood ... What really keeps Sucker airborne, though, is how it spreads its wings to embrace the whole nefarious network of super-rich fiends who hang in the shadows and drain ordinary people dry.
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An entertaining page-turner, Sucker is also a keen send-up of tech industry grandiosity.
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Sucker is his chance to branch out into macabre comedy and crime capers. In truth, there’s a feeling of forced wackiness to the writing, which is mottled with inelegant variations ... Increasing the silliness is a Gothic plot twist foreshadowed by a dripping fang on the cover art. Even so, the author has found a thoroughly entertaining guide to such nonsense in Charles, a dim but likable man-child born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
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