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The Collected Poems of Delmore Schwartz

Schwartz’s poems, especially the later ones, are dated ... There is something more important to talk about. Unearthed here is Schwartz’s masterpiece, a two-part autobiographical poem in free verse, "Genesis," which he worked on for more than a decade. It’s so squirming and alive that it will, I suspect, be the rock upon which future considerations of Schwartz will stand.
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The emblematic tortured poet, Schwartz is worth reading not simply for what he achieved but for what he made possible.
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A generous, pleasantly hefty volume ... This collection is about the poetry, although there’s some prose as well, channeling the author’s inimitable (or maybe all too imitable) combination of free-wheeling egotism and a critical reflex that even the author’s titanic efforts at self-destruction couldn’t ever quite extinguish.
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