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There's Going to Be Trouble

Smart, reflective ... For the first third of the book or so, I stumbled over the novel’s execution. Clumsy prose weakens the story as a whole ... But as relationships complicate and deepen, and as the intensity ratchets up, all stylistic inconsistencies fall away. Silverman clearly has an exceptional talent for dramatic tension.
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Silverman constructs an intricate, clever plot that braids together two separate stories ... Though the novel is a little slow to get off the ground and might have benefited from being 50 pages shorter, eventually it gathers unstoppable force as it moves toward a dramatic denouement that offers no easy conclusions.
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Silverman... excels at bringing the lives of her disparate characters into focus. Atmospheric and profound, Silverman’s novel of defiance and acceptance shimmers with passion, repressed and unbridled.
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