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Flying Blind: The 737 Max Tragedy and the Fall of Boeing

Through archival research, the benefit of the extensive reporting on the crashes and their aftermath, and interviews with many of the key players, Robison has produced an authoritative, gripping and finely detailed narrative that charts the decline of one of the great American companies ... Robison’s history is complete, but at times excessive. Minor corporate dramas that took place decades ago get a bit too much attention. After the introduction, it is more than 100 pages before Flying Blind turns squarely to the fateful development of the Max. Once that happens, however, the narrative gains speed and hurtles toward its inevitable conclusion.
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Peter Robison...argues in minute detail that the 737 Max 8 crashed twice because it was a botch job of a botch job ... There’s far too much Boeing history in the book for even the most dedicated aviation geek, but what saves the more corporate chapters are the aviation 'fun facts' ... Robison’s clipped prose and eye for the small, everyday details can be dry at times but it accentuates the horror of both accidents.
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Disturbing ... Mr. Robison, an investigative reporter at Bloomberg, argues convincingly.
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