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Free and Equal: A Manifesto for a Just Society

Chandler is a lucid and elegant writer, and there’s an earnest sense of excitement propelling his argument ... Chandler deserves credit for refusing to relegate his book to the airy realm of wistful abstraction ... Despite his valiant efforts, the book enacts both the promise and the limitations of the theory it seeks to promote. It didn’t leave me cold, but it did leave me restless.
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A stirring call by an LSE philosopher and economist for egalitarian liberalism based on the ideas of John Rawls ... If we are really serious about creating a free and equal society, at least some of the ideas Chandler suggests are necessary.
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[Chandler's] goal, then, is to present a joined-up approach motivated and inspired by Rawls, rather than a faithful, literal rendering. And as a way of making Rawls relevant to policy this seems exactly right ... This is a welcome reminder of what progressive politics should be, away from the recent emphasis on, for example, being the toughest on immigration and crime.
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